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Thanks to all who participated in the Happy Holidays Homebrew Competition.

There were 617 entries judged and 262 registered participants, judges, and stewards.

Best of Show Winners

Best of Show – Beer

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stMike KennedySymphony Of Destruction22D: Wheatwine
2ndTodd CogswellEdna's Koolaid23A: Berliner WeisseTippecanoe Homebrewers Circle
3rdDan AchesonTwo Timin'18B: American Pale AleUrban Knaves of Grain

Winning Entries

Table 1: American Lagers (16 entries)

1stRoss Stuart MHPAmerican Light Lager1A: American Light LagerArizona Society of Homebrewers
2ndRoss Stuart MHPAmerican Lager1B: American LagerArizona Society of Homebrewers
3rdStephen Schmitt MHPKing Of Beers1B: American LagerEvanston Homebrew Club

Table 2: Pilsner (17 entries)

1stErik JensenRCB Pils5D: German Pils
2ndRoss Stuart MHPNZ PilsLSX5: New Zealand PilsnerArizona Society of Homebrewers
3rdBrian SommersMake America Classic Again27A6: Pre-Prohibition LagerRocket City Brewers

Table 3: Pale International and German Lagers (30 entries)

1stDarren VaughnOver The Helles And Far Away4A: Munich Helles
2ndByron Bird MHPHelles Smuggler5C: German Helles ExportbierHigh Plains Drafters [TX]
3rdStephen Schmitt MHPAugsburg Bock4C: Helles BockEvanston Homebrew Club

Table 4: Czech Lagers (17 entries)

1stMark KunzelmannCzech Mate3B: Czech Premium Pale LagerSt. Louis Brews
2ndJay Brantley MHPJB Special3D: Czech Dark LagerPC Mashers
3rdChad Medford MHPOnyx Pivo3D: Czech Dark LagerRed Earth Brewers

Table 5: Strong European Beers (12 entries)

1stJustin Holman MHPDoppelbock9A: Doppelbock Cider, Homebrew, And Mead Production Specialists (CHAMPS)
2ndJason Decker
Co-Brewer: Mark McKeever Matt Lindquist Tom Moody Adam Shulke
Day Of Eisbock9B: Eisbock
3rdPatrick Carey MHPWebstermallet9C: Baltic PorterUpstate NY Homebrewers Assn

Table 6: Amber Hybrids and Lagers (35 entries)

1stMetts PotterGray Skies7A: Vienna LagerBloatarian Brewing League
2ndMatt Castellino
Co-Brewer: Courtney Castellino Todd Slater
Marzen6A: MärzenThousand Oaked Homebrewers
3rdAlex Williams MHP
Co-Brewer: Patrick Williams
Alt Rock7B: AltbierKansas City Bier Meisters

Table 7: Dark Lagers (17 entries)

1stTaylor Shastid MHPDark Hollow8B: SchwarzbierDiablo Order of Zymiracle Enthusiasts (DOZE)
2ndRoss Stuart MHPSchwarzbier8B: SchwarzbierArizona Society of Homebrewers
3rdMatt Castellino
Co-Brewer: Courtney Castellino Todd Slater
Schwarz8B: SchwarzbierThousand Oaked Homebrewers

Table 8: Light Ales (20 entries)

1stStephen Schmitt MHPThe Cathedral5B: KölschEvanston Homebrew Club
2ndSteven OffuttAxiom18A: Blonde AleOzark Zymurgists
3rdDavid Galich MHPSWASHbuckler1D: American Wheat BeerChicken City Ale Raisers

Table 9: German Wheat Beers (16 entries)

1stCole Christian MHP
Co-Brewer: Paulette Palacios
Alfred The Wise(N) And The Bock Bock10C: Weizenbock DC Homebrewers
2ndTimothy Pratt MHPDunks10B: Dunkels WeissbierBrew Haven
3rdJay Brantley MHPThe Adventures Of Bob & Doug McKenzie10A: WeissbierPC Mashers

Table 10: Bitters and Commonwealth Beers (21 entries)

1stScott Estlund MHPTis But A Scratch12A: British Golden AleThe Brü Club
2ndDan Acheson MHPV Is Very, Very.... Ordinary?11A: Ordinary BitterUrban Knaves of Grain
3rdJoe Skiles MHPAces High11B: Best BitterUrban Knaves of Grain

Table 11: British Brown Ales (18 entries)

1stJoel McGormleyPito's Porter13C: English Porter
2ndPhillip Saurer MHPNight Light13A: Dark MildPeninsula Fermentation Society
3rdMark DrillingBritish Campground13B: British Brown AleSt Charles County Society Of Brewers

Table 12: Scottish and Irish Ales (19 entries)

1stNicholas Hodge MHPRed Feather15A: Irish Red AleRed Earth Brewers
2ndMike UlteeMike's Irish Red Ale 244A15A: Irish Red AleGarden State Homebrewers
3rdNicholas Hodge MHP
Co-Brewer: Lindsey Wheat
Wibbly Wobbly Kilts14B: Scottish HeavyRed Earth Brewers

Table 13: Small Stouts (28 entries)

1stAlex Williams MHP
Co-Brewer: Patrick Williams
Werewolf Stout15B: Irish StoutKansas City Bier Meisters
2ndKevin Olson MHPPeople Have Been Wanting A Quick NHC Awards Ceremony16A: Sweet StoutZZHops Homebrewing Club
3rdDan Acheson MHPMurphy's Has It Right15B: Irish StoutUrban Knaves of Grain

Table 14: Strong Stouts (29 entries)

1stKyle KerstingImp Stout20C: Imperial Stout
2ndJustin GuldalianForeign Extra Stout16D: Foreign Extra Stout
3rdKevin Wagner MHP35 Attempt To Elicit An Emotional Response.16C: Tropical StoutKansas City Bier Meisters

Table 15: Strong British Ales (16 entries)

1stJoe Skiles MHPCalculating Infinity17D: English Barley WineUrban Knaves of Grain
2ndJustin GuldalianOld Ale #217B: Old Ale
3rdTimothy Fahrner
Co-Brewer: Mark Buchholz
Old Solstice17B: Old AleSt. Louis Brews

Table 16: American Pale and Amber Ales (31 entries)

1stDan Acheson MHPTwo Timin'18B: American Pale AleUrban Knaves of Grain
2ndAndy Cox MHPTrickle Down19A: American Amber AleUnderground Brewers of Connecticut
3rdJamye & Cody NaramoreTrying To Prove We Still Can18B: American Pale AleKansas City Bier Meisters

Table 17: American Browns and Porters (14 entries)

1stSam Hoopes MHPBye Bye Brown19C: American Brown AleNINJA Homebrewers
2ndKenneth James MHP
Co-Brewer: Kelly Cobble
Springlake Twilight Brew20A: American PorterRed Earth Brewers
3rdJoe Rose MHP
Co-Brewer: Julie
Pappy's Porter27A7: Pre-Prohibition PorterKansas City Bier Meisters

Table 18: IPA (33 entries)

1stMark Pennick MHPHoppy Fête Nationale Belge21B1: Belgian IPA Brew Crew [CO]
2ndJoe Skiles MHPMake IPA Clear Again21A: American IPAUrban Knaves of Grain
3rdRoss Stuart MHPHazy Pale Ale71A: Session Hazy Arizona Society of Homebrewers

Table 19: Strong American Ales (16 entries)

1stMike KennedySymphony Of Destruction22D: Wheatwine
2ndMetts PotterEven More Citra!22A: Double IPABloatarian Brewing League
3rdCole Christian MHP
Co-Brewer: Paulette Palacios
Tacticool Puppy22A: Double IPADC Homebrewers

Table 20: Wild Ales and European Sours (36 entries)

1stTodd CogswellEdna's Koolaid23A: Berliner WeisseTippecanoe Homebrewers Circle
2ndBrian MarmoreoKing Paimon23B: Flanders Red Ale
3rdAndrew Schwartz MHP
Co-Brewer: Bailey Shaw And Ruth Schwartz
Grey Area28B: Mixed Fermentation Sour Beer STLBrewhogs

Table 21: Begian Ales (26 entries)

1stMike & Stephanie Butler MHPTed's R Rated Magic Show25B: Saison Kansas City Bier Meisters
2ndGary Smet MHPTrappist Single26A: Belgian SingleAce Brewing Society
3rdAlex Williams MHP
Co-Brewer: Patrick Williams
Refrigerator Man26A: Belgian SingleKansas City Bier Meisters

Table 22: Strong Belgians (40 entries)

1stJay Wilkes MHPBig Stupid25C: Belgian Golden Strong AleDC Homebrewers
2ndEric MartinThree Grain26C: Belgian TripelKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdJacob VossLost In The Dark26D: Belgian Dark Strong AleSt. Louis Brews

Table 23: Fruit Beer (28 entries)

1stKeith RedingCindy's Sour29A: Fruit Beer St. Louis Brews
2ndMichael WulffOur Baby Is A LimeLSX4: Catharina Sour INSTABHility
3rdTom Hannan
Co-Brewer: Ann Hannan
Plum Puckered29A: Fruit Beer STLBrewhogs

Table 24: Spice, Herb, and Vegetable (31 entries)

1stTravis Cherry MHPJohn McClane's Christmas Ale30C: Winter Seasonal Beer Bay Area Mashtronauts
2ndDaniel VandersliceAnch'o Glad It's Christmas30C: Winter Seasonal Beer Fellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)
3rdJosh ReidNuts N Nibs30D: Specialty Spice Beer Missouri Mashers

Table 25: Smoked and Wood-Aged Beers (33 entries)

1stCurtis Ritter MHP
Co-Brewer: Joshua Wheeler
Barrel Free33B: Specialty Wood-Aged Beer Ace Brewing Society
2ndSteve Ristau MHPStau-Haus Smoked Sour27A3: LichtenhainerAle Riders Homebrew Club
3rdHolland AndrewRoadtrip Rauchbier6B: Rauchbier

Table 26: Alternative Ingredients and Experimental Beers (18 entries)

1stMark Pennick MHPShe Fancies Herself A Little Bit French34C: Experimental Beer Brew Crew [CO]
2ndDavid ScheilPoor Richard's Ale66A: American Colonial Beer
3rdDan Acheson MHPCaramelization, Two Ways31B: Alternative Sugar Beer Urban Knaves of Grain